Hello! I'm Sharon...
I'm no less passionate about supporting people to live their best lives than when I first started counselling, over 18 years ago now...in fact, now in my 50's, I'm probably the most passionate that I've ever been!
Like us all, I am more than just my professional qualifications, and I bring who I am at heart, along with my lived experiences, to my work.
I'm sharing a little of my story here for you because if you resonate with any of my experiences, I hope that my own recovery and healing will give you a renewed sense of hope.
Back in time...
There was a time when, despite my accomplishments and apparent success on the outside, I felt empty, flat and unfulfilled on the inside.
I often felt like an imposter in my own life, staying stuck for way too long in some workplaces, friendships and relationships that were unhealthy for me, even harmful to me in the form of narcissistic abuse.
I was like a ghost in my own life.
It was as if life was just happening to me, not for me. I didn't even know there was another way to live. I had no sense of my own power at all.
I felt truly grateful for the gifts in my life, especially my children, but to feel so lacking in energy, stuck in self-doubt and yet knowing deep down that you have much more to give, more you can say, more to your life, but not feel clear enough, powerful enough or safe enough to speak up or make changes, is like being trapped in an invisible cage ~ soul destroying.
Without realising, I had become disconnected from who I truly was.
It's really difficult to feel that you deserve better when you're frozen in self-doubt, but if you don’t truly feel that you deserve better, you won't get better.
I had no idea just how dysregulated my nervous system had become as I had just normalised it all. I eventually ended up with an autoimmune health condition and I absolutely believe that unresolved trauma played a part in that ~ years of high cortisol levels impacting my body as I unknowingly continued to suppress emotions that were holding me like invisible chains of pain to my past ~ survival mode!
The impact of that chronic health condition was a trauma in itself, challenging my sense of identity, yet again, and forcing me to adjust to a different life in terms of energy levels.
Looking back, I can see that I was nudged multiple times to look after myself...I just hadn't always recognised it at the time.
Permission to Grow
We don't just imagine how beautiful a new flower bud will be when it blooms and then not give it the water and nutrients it needs to do so. Equally, we need to nurture ourselves and our dreams.
There is Always Hope
Passion, inspiration and connection, are all themes that have likely gone missing for us when we feel stuck, they had gone missing for me for a long time.
Now all three of these themes give me a deep sense of meaning and purpose in my life, inextricably linked to my work and what I can offer you.
One of the greatest passions and purpose in my life is helping others to live the heart-led lives they deserve, full of vitality and purpose.
This in itself is a dream come true, but I wouldn't be doing it today if I hadn't learned how to reconnect to myself and restore my own sense of vitality.
If you have an inner whisper, a knowing that there is more to your life somehow but you just can't seem to break through, please hear me when I say,
You are meant for more!
And when you add yourself into your own equation of love and care, you will discover that you are more!
Fed up of trying to survive an environment that was not nurturing me, constantly trying to avoid burning out whilst watching others burn out around me, I finally found the courage to leave the world of employed work in my 40's, to move into full time private practice.
"Don't wait until you can't stand the colour of the carpet", were the wise words of my mentor, and she was right!
I have not once regretted my decision.
Sense of identity
I'm a dancer, dreamer, doodler and deep thinker. I describe myself as intuitive and empathic.
I never really considered myself to be a creative person, but my therapeutic work is deeply and powerfully creative.
I use powerful, creative interventions such as inner child work and the neuro experiential modality of Brainspotting...who was I kidding that I'm not creative?...and this is how powerful our inner blocks can be, telling us that we are not good enough, not clever enough, not creative enough to be creative!
I didn't know it at the time, but the complex trauma of narcissistic abuse was to eventually be my catalyst for change.
Allow your painful feelings to be your catalyst for change.
~You are worthy of wonderful things!
I love making memories with my family...children really do grow up so quickly and they are all adults now!
I love sunsets and sunrises ~ I'm rarely up early enough to catch the latter and I take far too many photos of sunsets!
I love to sit on a balcony when I'm on holiday and just absorb a wonderfully expansive view...add in the sunrise or sunset and that's pure bliss!
I love to be inspired by a good book and to wander by the sea, especially wrapped up snug and warm on a crisp cold, blustery day ~ there's nothing quite like blowing the cobwebs.
I love the changing colours of nature in the Autumn, the sound of the wind blowing through crisp leaves.
To get lost in a film is a real treat and I really do love to dance, even if just around my lounge ~ lots would say their kitchen but that's really not my favourite room in the house!
There was a time when I had no idea what I loved, I'd moved so far away from myself that all of this was off my radar. It really is a joy to be able to list these for you here.
It's never too late to heal.
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